Active efforts in the improvement of environment and working environment areas are an efficient and indispensable measure in creating an enterprise which is attractive to customers, suppliers and the staff. Be-Ge Baltic UAB is certified according Environment Management System ISO 14001.
Environment Management System ISO 14001
Be-Ge Baltic UAB
Aims to make existing and future processes safe and to make sure that the effect on the environment is minimized. The environmental efforts are based on a comprehensive approach and include all incoming processes in our production, such as use of energy and material, savings, recycling of packing material and sorting, as well as continuous training of the staff.
The company is constantly working on improvements of the production and working environment which influences safety, health and well-being of the staff.
- Safety
- Health
- Well-being of the staff
In relations with our customers these efforts stand for
- Better quality
- Higher competitive advantage
- Reduced impact on environment
- Compliance with legal requirements
- Better image
- Improved reliability
- Certified management system
Such activities yield results as
- Increased satisfaction on the staff
- Incidence of disease falls down
- Occupational accident rate is minimised
- Legal requirements are met
- Motivated staff
A good working environment
No doubt, a good working environment makes favourable influence on the personnel and the company’s capacity to achieve good results.

Be-Ge Baltic UAB is certified according Environment Management System ISO 14001.
Click here to see the certificate.
Click here to see the certificate.