As May approaches, a long-term social partner of BE-Ge Baltic – “Klaipėda Technology Training Centre ” – has invited to participate in the annual competition of tailors‘ professional skills “My Waving Sea 2023”. This year the event celebrated it‘s tenth anniversary.
Partnership with an educational institution that trains professional tailors is extremely significant for us – an industrial sewing and furniture upholstery company. Our team consists of long-term employees, trained by this school, and we also invite students to perform tripartite practice or apprenticeship training in our company every year.
A competition of tailor’s professional skills is an event that crowns the friendship and cooperation between our company and the vocational school. At the event, that took two days, our company was represented by the production coordinator who worked in a competition evaluation committee, where she shared her competences and professional insights about sewing and quality requirements for garments. We are glad to contribute to the competition as one of the biggest sponsors, awarding a prize worth 200 euros. This year, the first place winner received our prize – a coupon of sewing supply store.
We are very thankful to Klaipėda Technology Training Centre for the opportunity to be a part of the international competition and hope to maintain and foster this partnership in the future.