For the third year already, the Be-Ge Baltic community participated in the National Mobility Challenge, the goal of which is to cultivate self – and environmentally friendly daily habits.
The challenge lasted two months – from 15th September until 16th November. This year, the company was represented by 44 employees. This is almost half as many people as last year!
Together, they collected even 19,679,603 steps! According to the data analysis, 14,057 total kilometers walked, saved even 1,280 m3 of carbon dioxide, i.e. as much as they would have been choosing a car.
On the last day of the challenge, all the employees who participated in the challenge gathered to congratulate each other. The ten most active participants of the challenge were awarded gift vouchers to a sports and leisure store.
The first place was won by our colleague, internal logistician Žydrūnas, who collected 1,514,038 steps in two months!
We celebrated our achievements by eating a delicious cake and enjoying the great Be-Ge Baltic community, which cultivates healthy and environmentally friendly daily habits!